Friday, December 18, 2009
Fun Math
I think math can be fun and games as long as kids are still retaining information from it. It can't be all fun and games and no learning whatsoever. A way to make it fun is to take something that interests whatever age group you're trying to teach, and putting that concept into a game. The best way to teach kids math is to make a game that asks a problem, and lets you play if you answer it right. It makes kids strive to get the problems right so they can progress in the game. That way they learn how to do the problems. Here are some links to math websites i found. They have some math games on them.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Yesterday I played a math game at It was a pretty fun game, and I learned a lot from it. The game was called Transtar. The game is so fun, and you actually learn from it too. The game is set in outerspace, and has a super hero, just like our game is going to. Minus the whole outterspace thing. The super hero isn't a ninja either. Transtar really helped me with my transitions.
Monday, November 30, 2009
What I Want To Be
with so many career choices, its hard to decide what you want to be. i'm not absolutely 100% sure what i want to be at this moment, but i do have an idea. i'd like to go into the medical field, preferably psychology. its something thats always interested me. i like to know why people do the things they do, why they act they way they act, why they think the way they think. also, a career in law is a big option for me. i love politics, and i like to debate subjects. as of now though, anythings possible.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Adding Navigation
This week in Globaloria, we've been learning how to make buttons to switch between scenes. Flash is fun, but its a complicated program. If you don't do the right thing, you could wind up with something completely different from what you originally planned. In this particular unit, we worked on making buttons to navigate between scenes. I had a problem where instead of working quite right, it was just a box that strobbed, and it was because I wasn't typing something just right. So simple mistakes can make your file do something entirely different. I've learned how to do a lot this year.
Friday, November 6, 2009
What I've Done In Flash
We've done a lot in Flash the past few days. We've been learning how to draw in Flash, and work with it. We've watched videos and took tutorials, and then we started drawing out paper prototypes in Flash. So far, we've got the title page, the rules page, the loading page, the level one page, and the select a character page. I think Flash is pretty easy to work with once you understand how to use it.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Creating Our Team Page
The past two days, we've been working on our team pages. We're ampping out our games, doing things like describing each level. I got the team leader and the coder. My team hasn't really fought over anything big, YET. We've just argued about who's going to talk in the videos, and how many ninjas Taylor will draw in one day. I look forward to making our game though. I can't wait to see the final product, and I really hope the kids it targets will enjoy playing it. All we want is a game that kids will find fun and
Friday, October 16, 2009
Educational Games
Yes, I do think games can create an educational atmosphere. Do all games? No. I do believe that games can be made that teach children while they have fun playing the games. I've played plenty of educational games, like the games on StudyIsland, the games from the Playing to Learn unit, and games on sites like CoolMath, ect. I do enjoy playing games and learning something from them. If I remember correctly, thats how I learned how to add and subtract fractions when I was little. So I've personally learned something from a video game.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Our Game
Over the past few days, Taylor, ElleMae, and I have been coming up with game ideas, making a team page, ect. We finally decided to do a game on multiplication and division. Our game is going to be about a ninja named Ling Chou. In our game, Ling Chou is going to travel all over the world fighting the henchmen of the villian, whose name we haven't came up with yet, but we're working on that right now. The past three days we've typing up our game ideas in flash, and brainstorming about game ideas. In Flash, we had to type our game ideas up, and make it look good. So far, Globalorias been really fun. :)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Math Blogs
I chose these three blogs because I think they do a great job of explaining the concepts they're trying to teach.
Friday, September 25, 2009
First Experiences In Globaloria.
So far, Globaloria's been great. I think its amazing to think by the end of this year, we'll have our own video game. We're learning skills in this classroom that can help us when we get older, and get into college. Especially if we go into graphic design, web design, or game design later on in life. And no one else is going to have the advantage of knowing how to code, add sounds and media to different pages, and things like that. In Playing to Learn and Choosing A Topic we've gotten a general idea of what our games need to look like and sound like, and we've gotten an idea on what we want our games to be about. The Cost of Life was probably the game I played the most, mainly because I couldn't beat it. There are plenty of math games, and I've found some fun ones about the topic I chose (converting fractions, decimals, and percents) online. I think Flash looks really helpful, but really hard. It might not be so hard, though, once we learn how to use it. I think I'd probably be a good game assembler or a coder. Overall though, Globaloria's been great. :]
Monday, September 21, 2009
Internet Saftey
I think that some of the things we need to know about the internet are to never give personal information out. You should never give someone your full name, email, phone number, or address. Second, you should know that the internet can be dangerous, and always keep that in mind while on it. In Globaloria, we're making sure we're safe online by doing exactly what I just said. We don't give out personal information, and we're keeping in mind that the internet can be a dangerous place. Plus, we're respecting everyone we meet online. I personally think that the internet can be a dangerous place, but if you use the right precautions its safe.
Friday, September 11, 2009
I like math. It can be hard at times, though. It's something I really have to work at to succeed in. I like doing things like equations, fractions, and rational and irrational numbers in math. Things like math games, puzzles, ect. do help make things more interesting during math class. I don't think ordering numbers or finding the slope of something, so I should play math games pertaining to that to help me learn about it easier. Overall though, I do like math, and look forward to making a game involving math.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Globaloria Class
I'm very excited about my Globaloria class. It seems like a very interesting class. I hope that Globaloria will help me understand computers better.I'd like to make a game for younger kids, maybe around seven or eight. I hope to make a game that people will enjoy though, no matter what age group our game is made for. Globaloria looks like it will be a fun class. I'm excited about the actual game designing process. It sounds like its going to be the hardest part, but I think that actually finishing a game will be the most rewarding part of the class. We're learning a lot about blogging and making wikis. Hopefully, though, this will be a great year.
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