Thursday, October 8, 2009

Our Game

Over the past few days, Taylor, ElleMae, and I have been coming up with game ideas, making a team page, ect. We finally decided to do a game on multiplication and division. Our game is going to be about a ninja named Ling Chou. In our game, Ling Chou is going to travel all over the world fighting the henchmen of the villian, whose name we haven't came up with yet, but we're working on that right now. The past three days we've typing up our game ideas in flash, and brainstorming about game ideas. In Flash, we had to type our game ideas up, and make it look good. So far, Globalorias been really fun. :)

1 comment:

  1. I like it! I also think you're game is going to be great. (:

